Website Order Tips

Need a Website?
Here are some suggested prices for website design – your Publisher or Ad Manager may decide to charge more. These prices are for simple sites.
Please keep in mind that many websites are now mobile first and do not have pages anymore – so please substitute panels in place of pages if your customer would like that style of site.
Hosting services includes several factors. Hosting allows for server space for your website files to be stored and keeps them secure so that the bad guys dont hack your site. Also, hosting services insure that you have enough bandwidth so that many people can be on your website at a time and that it loads fast.
Now about how long it takes It depends on if you provide all of the info to build it! We need all photos, logo, wording etc. If provided, it could take just a few days to build. For bigger sites like the brownsmall with 5 panels use 10 days as your general timeline.

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