Social Media Extended Reach (Friends 2 Follow)

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A business can expand the reach of their social media posts and get their social media posts in front of your newspaper website’s digital audience 24/7 in real time.  Reach new potential customers AND those who have already chosen to follow you,

Category: Social


Social Media Extended Reach (Friends 2 Follow)

  • When a business posts on its Facebook page, that posts reaches only 6% of your followers.
  • You can pay Facebook per post to “boost” a post to reach all of your Facebook followers.
  • With Facebook or other social media posts, a business is not reaching new customers, only the people who have already chosen to follow them.
  • With Social Media Extended Reach, a business streams their social media posts on a widget on your newspaper website homepage.  This includes people who are not already “following” them on social media.
  • These posts stream 24/7 in real time.  So, check the widget during the day and you will see the participating business that posted most recently at the top.
  • Website visitors can choose to click on these posts,  click to  follow the business on social media or simply read the content of the posts.
  • Increase brand awareness by also bundling in banner ad impressions on your newspaper website.  These 728×90 or 300×250 ads scroll through the business recent social media posts.  As a business posts to social media, the ad is updated automatically so no need for ad changes.

Connect Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, YouTube, Pinterest, and Website RSS feeds.

Frequently Asked Questions about this Product

Question:  Can we stream posts from any Facebook page

Answer:  We can stream posts from a business Facebook page.  We cannot stream posts from a personal page.  Also, the Facebook page cannot have restrictions in the settings limiting the countries where it can be seen.

Question: Which businesses are good prospects?

Answer: Businesses who post a lot on social media; businesses who rely on social media as their source of marketing.  This product will expand the reach of their social media post to a new audience, the visitors to your newspaper website.

Question: What do you need from the advertiser to get them started with this product?

Answer: Business Name, Business Social Media url, email address for a person at the business with admin access to the social media page, start date and end for the campaign.

NOTE: This vendor does not have split month billing. So, you will be charged for the full month regardless of what day during the month the campaign begins.

Social Media Extended Reach Submission  Form